The Minute

How to Reengage Prospective Students with Ad Retargeting

Written by The Enrollify Team | 9/23/19 11:09 AM

WHY YOU NEED CLICK TRACKING ON YOUR WEBSITE: Click tracking is used to collect information on user behavior; more specifically, how users are interacting with your digital assets (your website, emails, blog, etc). Click tracking involves more than just analyzing the number of webpage visits or bounce rates– it involves analyzing how users interact with CTA buttons, forms, and other interactive parts of your digital assets. Click tracking is crucial to making data-backed decisions across marketing assets and strategies.

Why you should care: Click tracking is an essential tool for enrollment marketers in order to collect data and insight into how prospective students are interacting with digital content. Without click tracking, making informed decisions on changing the title of your admissions event, the language used on a CTA button, or the layout of your website’s navigation is extremely difficult.

PEOPLE TOLERATE ADS, SOMETIMES: While many internet surfers are unhappy with ads, there are certain types of ads the general public will tolerate. According to studies by Yes Marketing and eMarketer, consumers tolerate ads they’re expecting in branded email communications. Additionally, 54% of US online buyers make a purchase from a display ad promoting a discount or sale. On the whole, US consumers are most receptive to smartphone ads when they’re at home watching TV or while they’re in bed surfing social media before going to sleep.

Why you should care: Writing eye-catching ad copy is just as important as when a prospective student views the ad and in what format the ad is displayed. It’s worth A/B testing the time of day or ad copy of your next Facebook ad to see if you yield better results. Also, experiment with “discounts” such as advertising an application fee waiver in exchange for attending an information session yields better results. 

AD REMARKETING 101: Ad remarketing is a type of pay-per-click digital advertising that aims to promote content, an offer, or information to users who have previously interacted with your brand by visiting a webpage, clicking a link, or interacting with a previous ad. It works by tracking user behavior primarily via browser cookies, but also via email addresses, phone numbers, and specific advertisers’ IDs. Almost all popular social media platforms, like Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram allow for ad retargeting. 

Why you should care: Ad retargeting can be useful for reengaging prospective students who have shown some interest in your programs, but may have not submitted a form or converted in another way. For example, a prospective student who has viewed a program website page, financial aid info, or clicked on a previous ad but hasn’t converted could be reengaged with a retargeting ad. 

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