Fresh, Free, FRIdeas

FRIdeas #37: Do Video Ads on LinkedIn Work for Higher Ed Marketers?

Written by Zach Busekrus | Mar 19, 2021 3:30:25 AM

If you're a graduate enrollment manager, chances are you've run a LinkedIn Ad campaign before.  But have you ever run a LinkedIn Video Ad campaign before?  If so, were you left overwhelmed, underwhelmed, or perhaps just confuse?

If you answered "yes" to any of the above, then this week's episode of FRIdeas is for you.  LinkedIn recently partnered with research firm Digivizer to better understand what type of video ads perform best on the platform and why they do so.

Together, they spent more than 500 hours analyzing more than 3500 ads on the LinkedIn platform to understand what works and what doesn’t.

Discover the insights they uncovered in this week's episode of FRIdeas.