Fresh, Free, FRIdeas

FRIdeas #11: 5 Ideas for How to Increase Engagement with Prospects by Repurposing Your Existing Content...

Written by Zach Busekrus | Jun 12, 2020 9:06:00 PM

Earlier this week, I finished reading That Will Never Work: The Birth of Netflix and the Amazing Life of an Idea by Netflix's co-founder, Marc Randolph. 

My favorite quote — and biggest takeaway — from the book is as follows...

"Real innovation comes not from top-down pronouncements and narrowly defined tasks. It comes from hiring innovators focused on the big picture who can orient themselves within a problem and solve it without having their hand held the whole time. We call it being loosely coupled but tightly aligned.”

-- Marc Randolph

love this framework for thinking of team culture — specifically as it pertains to nurturing independent creativity and the birth of original ideas. COVID-19 has required so many of us to wear additional hats and to be especially  diligent in discerning where, when, and how to spend our limited resources. 

This concept of "being loosely coupled but tightly aligned" is a necessity for enrollment marketing teams today when it comes to developing enrollment marketing strategies — gone are the days when every team member can afford to be around the table for every decision that needs to be made.  

This week's episode of FRIdeas is all about optimizing the resources you do have to increase engagement with prospective students.