Engage Summit 2024: Deep Dive into AI in Higher Ed

Engage Summit 2024: Deep Dive into AI in Higher Ed
Sirley Carballo
April 10, 2024
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About the Blog

Join us this June 25-26 in Raleigh, NC, for the 2024 Engage Summit — the perfect place for educators, administrators, and technology enthusiasts to explore the integration of AI into higher education. 

This isn't just about theory; it's about practical, actionable strategies that you can start implementing immediately to benefit your institution.

Keynote Highlights

  • Melina Palmer - Opening Keynote: Kicking off with insights from her award-winning book, Melina Palmer will delve into the subconscious decision-making processes of students. 

Her keynote, "What Your Students Want and Can’t Tell You," aims to bridge the gap between institutions and their students by applying principles of behavioral economics. Expect to leave with a set of practical tools to better understand and engage your students.

  • Dr. Janet Spriggs - Leading AI Innovation in Higher Education: A President’s Perspective: As president of Forsyth Tech, Dr. Spriggs brings a wealth of experience in steering academic institutions through the challenges of integrating AI into education. 

Her talk will cover the journey of Forsyth Tech's AI Task Force and its focus on equitable policy development. Attendees will gain insights into mobilizing faculty and leadership towards AI-driven innovation while maintaining a commitment to ethics and equity.

  • Jeff Selingo - Closing Keynote: A respected voice in higher education, Jeff Selingo will share his vision for the future of college admissions and the broader educational landscape. 

Drawing on his extensive research and writings, including his New York Times notable book, "Who Gets In & Why," Selingo's talk will challenge current perceptions and encourage a forward-thinking approach to educational excellence.

Highlighted Sessions on AI

  • Unlock the AI Revolution in Your Team presented by Jaime Hunt: As Chief Marketing Officer at Old Dominion University, Hunt has firsthand experience in leading teams through technological transformations. 

This session will guide attendees on how to foster an environment of innovation and curiosity about AI, crucial for staying ahead in today's digital age.

  • Crafting AI-Powered Social Media Influencer Strategies presented by Maya Demishkevich and Jenny Li Fowler: This collaborative session brings together insights from Carroll Community College and MIT to show how AI can supercharge your social media strategies. 

Learn how to scale content production and amplify your institution's voice through powerful, AI-driven social media campaigns.

  • There's a GPT for That presented by Shane Baglini and Allison Turcio: Shane Baglini (Muhlenberg College) and Allison Turcio (Siena College) explore the transformative power of ChatGPT in higher education marketing. 

This session is perfect for those looking to enhance content quality and efficiency, even without deep technical expertise in AI.

  • AI and Data: Your Content Marketing Superpowers presented by Brian Piper: Brian Piper, from the University of Rochester, will demonstrate how AI and data analytics can revolutionize your content marketing strategy. 

Attendees will learn practical ways to leverage these technologies for research, ideation, creation, distribution, and optimization of content.

Be Part of the Transformation

The 2024 Engage Summit is more than just a conference; it's a call to action for all higher education professionals to embrace AI and its potential. 

By integrating AI into your strategies, you're not just keeping pace with technological advancements—you're leading the charge towards a more efficient, engaging, and insightful educational environment.

Join us in Raleigh to be at the forefront of this exciting shift in higher education. Learn from the best, share your experiences, and start making a difference at your institution with the power of AI.

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