How To Set Students up for Success

How To Set Students up for Success
Sirley Carballo
March 25, 2024
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In the final installment of the Personalizing Prospective Student Journeys Pulse Check mini-series hosts Mallory and Dustin Ramsdell explore the crucial phase of setting students up for success post-admission.

This episode titled, "Setting Students Up for Success," segment delves deep into the responsibilities of educational institutions in preparing students for their collegiate journey, emphasizing the importance of a seamless transition from acceptance to enrollment.

The Murky Middle for Institutions

Mallory and Dustin discuss the often-overlooked period between a student's acceptance and their orientation or first day of class. This time, dubbed by Dustin as the "murky middle for institutions," is pivotal.

Institutions must engage with incoming students through meaningful preparation, guiding them through necessary steps such as funding, form submissions, and familiarization with campus resources. The conversation highlights the necessity for institutions to keep everything organized and accessible for students, ensuring they feel confident and ready for their new chapter.

Beyond the Post-Application Checklist

The dialogue shifts to concrete strategies schools can implement to combat summer melt and keep students engaged. Dustin emphasizes the shift from traditional paper-based welcome packets to digital platforms that organize tasks, provide reminders, and offer support channels like chatbots or human assistance.

This digital transformation aims to streamline processes, making the post-admission phase less daunting for students and reducing administrative burdens on staff.

Technology's Role in Enhancing the Student Experience

Mallory and Dustin explore how technology can play a crucial role in not only easing administrative tasks but also in fostering a sense of community and belonging among new students.

They advocate for a front-end digital experience platform that complements the back-end student information systems (SIS), creating a more user-friendly and engaging interface for students. This approach can significantly improve orientation experiences, making them more interactive and personal.

Orientation as a Continuum

The conversation underscores that orientation is not just an event but a comprehensive process spanning from the moment of deposit to the first day of class.

This extended orientation phase is critical for instilling a sense of belonging and excitement in new students, ensuring they feel part of the community even before stepping foot on campus. The hosts suggest innovative ways to use technology to maintain and amplify this excitement, from digital ID cards to interactive platforms for meeting fellow students.

Addressing Silos in Higher Education

A notable part of the discussion is the acknowledgment of existing silos within higher education institutions and the introduction of the "Breaking Silos" podcast.

This segment of the conversation highlights efforts to foster collaboration across departments, aiming to create a more cohesive and supportive environment for students.

Key Takeaways

  • Personalized Engagement: Institutions must provide a tailored, supportive journey from acceptance to enrollment, utilizing digital tools to streamline processes and enhance student engagement.
  • Combatting Summer Melt: Proactive, organized communication and support are vital in keeping students engaged and confident in their decision to enroll.
  • The Role of Technology: Digital platforms can significantly improve the orientation experience, making it more accessible, interactive, and personal for new students.
  • Extended Orientation: Orientation should be viewed as a comprehensive process that begins at acceptance and continues through to the start of classes, emphasizing the ongoing support and engagement from the institution.
  • Breaking Down Silos: Collaboration across departments is crucial for a unified approach to student support, ensuring a seamless transition and fostering a sense of community.

For a deeper dive into the strategies and insights discussed in this series, we encourage you to listen to the full episode of "Personalizing Prospective Student Journeys" of Pulse Check.

Join hosts Mallory and Dustin Ramsdell as they explore innovative approaches to enhancing the student experience from admission to enrollment.

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