Uniting Athletics And Admissions For Recruitment Success

Uniting Athletics And Admissions For Recruitment Success
Sirley Carballo
April 4, 2024
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In the latest episode of the In Your Element podcast, titled "Bridging the Gap: Uniting Athletics and Admissions for Recruitment Success," hosts Brendan Henkel and Daniella Nordin sit down with Charity Schneeberger, Director of Admissions, and Gretchen LeVan, Director of Athletics.

This insightful conversation revolves around the synergistic relationship between athletics and admissions in the realm of recruitment—a topic that is both critical and timely for higher education professionals striving to navigate the evolving landscape of student engagement and enrollment.

A Dynamic Duo in Action

In this episode, we meet two exceptional guests from Valley Forge University. Charity Schneeberger, the Director of Admissions, brings a wealth of experience in guiding prospective students through the pivotal transition from high school to college. Her passion lies in witnessing and facilitating the growth and transformation of students as they embark on their higher education journey.

Gretchen LeVan, serving as the Director of Athletics, complements this perspective with her commitment to leveraging sports as a platform for personal and spiritual growth among student-athletes.

Together, Charity and Gretchen form a formidable team, exemplifying the power of collaboration between admissions and athletics in enhancing student recruitment and engagement.

Breaking Down Barriers: A Collaborative Blueprint

The discussion with Charity and Gretchen reveals a robust framework for collaboration that transcends departmental boundaries, addressing common challenges in higher education recruitment. They share insightful examples of initiatives designed to foster a spirit of teamwork, such as joint strategy sessions and shared goals.

This collaborative ethos is underpinned by a shared mission that resonates across Valley Forge University—to prepare individuals for service and leadership in both the church and the world. Through a culture of open communication and mutual support, Charity and Gretchen demonstrate how breaking down silos between departments can lead to innovative recruitment strategies and a cohesive campus environment that benefits both student-athletes and the broader student body.

The Role of Culture and Technology

Central to the conversation on the podcast is the role of technology in facilitating the seamless collaboration between admissions and athletics at Valley Forge University. Charity and Gretchen highlight the significant impact of Element451, an advanced CRM platform tailored for higher education institutions.

Element451 has been instrumental in streamlining communication and recruitment processes, allowing for a more personalized and efficient engagement with prospective students and student-athletes. By leveraging Element451's comprehensive suite of tools, including automated communication flows, custom fields, and detailed student profiles, Valley Forge University has been able to enhance the student experience from initial contact through to enrollment.

The platform's flexibility and adaptability have enabled Charity and Gretchen to implement workflows that are specifically designed to meet the unique needs of their departments, fostering a culture of innovation and progress. Element451 emerges not just as a technological solution but as a catalyst for cultural transformation, embodying the university's commitment to teamwork, progress, and the holistic development of students.

In essence, the synergy between Charity and Gretchen, underpinned by their strategic use of Element451, exemplifies a dynamic and effective approach to uniting athletics and admissions. This collaborative model, highlighted in the podcast, serves as a valuable blueprint for higher education institutions seeking to enhance their recruitment efforts and student engagement strategies through the integration of culture and technology.

Key Takeaways

  • The importance of a unified mission and culture of teamwork across departments.
  • Practical strategies for fostering collaboration between athletics and admissions.
  • The pivotal role of technology in streamlining recruitment and communication processes.
  • The necessity of inclusive and open communication for successful departmental partnerships.

For a deeper dive into how Charity and Gretchen have successfully bridged the gap between athletics and admissions to drive recruitment success, listen to the full episode of "Bridging the Gap: Uniting Athletics and Admissions for Recruitment Success" on the In Your Element podcast.

Their shared insights and strategies offer valuable lessons for higher education professionals looking to enhance their recruitment efforts and student experience.

Tune in now at In Your Element to explore this dynamic partnership and its impact on the University of Valley Forge's recruitment success.

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