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 Jeanne Brett

Jeanne Brett

Jeanne Brett is the DeWitt W. Buchanan, Jr. Distinguished Professor Emerita of Dispute Resolution and Organizations for the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. Brett is a negotiation scholar and educator. Her award-winning book, Negotiation Globally, now in its 3rd edition, was recently joined in 2022 by Searching for Trust in the Global Economy written with Tyree Mitchell. Her current research projects engage AI to understand how negotiators use strategy. Brett initiated Kellogg’s negotiation course in 1981 and has taught negotiations all over the world. She is also currently the president of the nonprofit, Negotiation and Team Resources, where she hosts monthly conversations to introduce negotiation educators to the latest research and teaching materials.

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Jeanne Brett

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Meet With Interviewees

Greg Summers

Greg Summers is a former faculty member and longtime higher education administrator.

Julio Vargas-Essex

Julio Vargas-Essex is a dedicated higher education professional.

Mike Belicose

Mike Belicose is an accomplished financial executive.

Matt McFadden

Matt is the senior vice president at Simpson Scarborough.

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